Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Netanyahu recently compared Obama to those who appeased Hitler pre-Holocaust


However, the unfortunate truth is that Huckabee's comments stand out because of the disgusting imagery he used, not because the utilization of Holocaust comparisons is unique with regard to Iran-deal critiques.
Indeed, Israel's Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has made statements similar to those for which Huckabee has rightly been scorned. This includes a speech he delivered recently at Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust Museum, where he compared Iran to Nazi Germany and those negotiating with Iran—President Obama included—as Nazi appeasers:
“The Nazis sought to crush civilization and have a master race rule the Earth while destroying the Jewish people. In that same way, Iran seeks to dominate the region and to spread outward from there, with the declared intention of destroying the Jewish state."
“Appeasing tyrannical regimes will only increase their aggression and is an approach that is liable to drag the world into larger wars. The bad deal with Iran signals that the lessons of the Holocaust have not been learned.”
Such Holocaust allusions are as disturbing as they are wrong. To suggest that those negotiating with Iran are modern-day Nazi appeasers—that President Obama did not learn the lessons of the Holocaust—is to use Jewish trauma and suffering for political gain. The military might of Israel alone (with its nuclear arsenal) makes such allusions disingenuous at best.
Perhaps this is partially why some of Israel's security establishment has broken with Netanyahu to come out in favor of the diplomatic agreement reached with Iran. For many see Netanyahu as the greatest danger to Israeli security, and not Iran or those 'appeasers' negotiating with them.
Now, despite the fact that Netanyahu and Israeli leaders have repeatedly conjured Holocaust comparisons with regard to the Iran deal, American Jewish organizations have almost uniformly condemned Huckabee's words. Perhaps viewing the disgusting imagery Arkansas' former governor employed as too much. Perhaps due to his pattern of bigotry. Perhaps because he's not Jewish.
However, not every major American Jewish organization has distanced themselves from Huckabee. Indeed, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today announced its support for Huckabee, citing Netanyahu's own usage as evidence Huckabee's "march them to the door of the oven" quip is just fine:
The ZOA agrees with Governor Huckabee that this Iran deal could lead to a Holocaust-like massacre of the Jews. In such circumstances, when the Jewish state is threatened with nuclear annihilation, a Holocaust analogy such as Governor Huckabee used is acceptable and not out of place.
Indeed, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu observed earlier this year during an address at Yad Vashem that, “Democracies cannot turn their eyes away from the dictatorships of the world that seek to spread their influence… ahead of World War II, the world attempted to appease the Nazis. 
They wanted quiet at any price, and the terrible price did come… Just as the Nazis aspired to crush civilization and to establish a ‘master race’ as ruler of the world while annihilating the Jewish people, so too does Iran strive to gain control over the region and then spread further, with the explicit intent of obliterating the Jewish state.”
i have to say we really need to pick better friends, Netanyahu from the beginning has wanted what he's condemning Iran for he to wants to blow them off the map, he has saber rattled more than Iran, he sits on a nuclear stockpile but wants to prevent Iran the same advantage because it is just that an advantage so if you want an argument can be made that Israel is no better than Iran.

they are like the little brother who gets beat up at school and gets his big brother to beat up the guy who beat or threatens to beat him up,  by trying to drag us into their pissing match we stand to lose not only more lives but a deficiency in or own military and our protection from anti American Americans who now IMO pose a much greater threat then those trying to enter and do harm.

we are not their big brother they seek to be the power in that area and don't want a counter to themselves that being Iran but haven't they also threaten Iran with us as their primary weapon??  right winger's around the world are no different than ours they all have the same agenda create war and dominate.

Netanyahu is a right winger and chooses to side with the right wing anti Holocaust factions here and calls our Pres. an appeaser wasn't that a word bandied around by republicans in reference to new Cuban relations now here's their treason cohort using the same reference to Pres. guess when they went to Israel and laid down with him they got fleas of war and they all are itching to engage.

but isn't this also the same thing as the right wing here denying others of basic freedoms that they enjoy, denying Iran nukes that they have so who is really the threat those who are governed by a saber waver with nukes or those without who very well could be worried and seeking to protect themselves but gets lost verbally in all their bluster???  just a thought
