A coalition of Muslim groups have begun a LaunchGood page to get funds in order to help rebuild the black churches recently burned down. A note on the site explains the feelings of solidarity:
Imam Zaid Shakir on this urgent need: "The American Muslim community cannot claim to have experienced anything close to the systematic and institutionalized racism and racist violence that has been visited upon African Americans. We do, however, understand the climate of racially inspired hate and bigotry that is being reignited in this country.
We want to let our African American brothers and sisters know that we stand in solidarity with them during this dark hour. As a small symbol of that solidarity, during this blessed month of Ramadan, we are gathering donations to help rebuild the seven churches that have been burned down since the racist murders in Charleston, South Carolina."
Their timeline for the churches they are helping:
June 17 Charleston church shooting. Nine African Americans killed and tenth shot and survived the mass shooting. (Arrest made)okay as Godly an act as this and coming from who it is watch the religious right an act like this crickets but what i think we will hear is an attempt to link Black churches and our people with their myth of all Islam being a Jihadist a 2fer for the bigots it will be part of their reaching out just the reaching out will be to those standing by the red meat troughs waiting for the toss they think will further increase hate from them to Muslims and us but now with an equal intensity and more open season reason.
June 22 College Hill Seventh Day Adventist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee (arson)
June 23 God’s Power Church of Christ in Macon, Georgia (arson)
June 24 Briar Creek Road Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina (arson)
June 26 Glover Grove Baptist Church in Warrenville, South Carolina (arson)
June 26 The Greater Miracle Apostolic Holiness Church in Tallahassee, Florida, also burned to the ground (electrical wiring)
June 24 Fruitland Presbyterian Church in Gibson County, Tennessee (still under investigation)
July 1 Mount Zion AME Church, which the KKK torched 20 years ago, burned to the ground (still under investigation)
they get to hate us for a whole new myth not that they had a real reason before but now with the hate rhetoric they have something to point at. not so amazing they'll all have the same reason verbatim.
republicans and the right wing are destroying this country for power and control, money that's the gravy these use to sweeten the pot for those who would do their bidding after all they owe them they gave them guns and the right to get drunk with it by their side and pray for .......... the next day with it still by their side.
be concerned if not we can be burned hot lead makes you dead, for the right wing no good deed goes unexploited recognize