another token house "N" self hater these guys might influence a couple of Blacks that listen to Fox for news as misguided as that might be but overall he and others are viewed as despicable and shills for the right wing. have you really seen any of them excel within the party, a token candidate for appearances is not a qualifying factor they don't go anywhere become laughing stocks IMO more by their republican cohorts than American voters.
Herman Cain and his 999 tax plan, Ben Cason and his "obamaare worst thing since slavery" Bino's (Black in name only) are disgracing themselves for a party that hates them at days end and lights out door closes and the are still the "N" word with a snicker. the few they have that show up on talk shows defending the policies that harm them and Black people are seen as pathetic wannabe's.
the view point of this guy ludicrous at least scripted at best
the view point of this guy ludicrous at least scripted at best