Sunday, May 31, 2015

Fox News' Chris Wallace Debunks Carly Fiorina's Claim That Common Core Standards Are "Nationally Driven"

Wallace: Standards "Come From The State Governors And The State School Officers, And Local School Districts Design The Curriculum To Meet Those Standards"

usually during election time when Fox gets one of it's own that through the interview it looks like they are not so much challenging because it's the job but more so IMO an impeachment as a candidate because they really don't want that person in the mix.  we've seen those that get the whiffle ball questions and those causing problems getting the softball sized hale attacks always starting with "BUT...."

they both failed to mention the right wing drive to kill common core and replace it with their rhetoric and ideology keeping their base kids dumb down and non resistant to the smell of elephant dung and the ability to think or rationalize what is being done to them.

with all that right wing opposition you know it must be a goodthing for country and the children.