Back in October, three middle school girls sustained injuries and ended up being treated at a hospital all because a pretty terrible school police officer was clearly not very good at her job. It has come to the surface now as video evidence, from the school itself, shows the entire episode unfold.
Two sisters and their cousin, Diamond Starr, students at Vanguard Middle School in Baltimore, found themselves pepper-sprayed, and beaten with a police baton. Diamond Starr received 10 stitches as a result of a gash to her head. I'll let the video below the fold do most of the talking. What is being reported is that one of the girls refused to be condesended to and was quickly assaulted by the police officer. When her sister and then her cousin come to her defense things continue to escalate.
Let us be clear on this: even if the girls in the video dropped nothing but f-bombs and c-bombs at the officer, that officer has degraded her position with her actions.
this will only begin to stop when we come together all of us just because most victims are Black how long before others become as regular as what we see now your skin will only keep you safe for awhile then the blood thirst has no preference in type o+or ab- which one is your kid??? color is only skin deep beneath we are all the same. recognize