[Scott Walker]: “Aggressively, we need to take the fight to ISIS and any other radical Islamic terrorists around the world… I think we need to have an aggressive strategy anywhere around the world.”
[ABC News host Martha Raddatz]: “But what does that mean? I don’t know what ‘aggressive strategy’ means.”
Walker: “Ultimately, we have to be prepared to put boots on the ground, if that’s what it takes.”
Raddatz: “U.S. boots on the ground in Syria?”
Walker: “Well, I don’t think that’s an immediate plan.”
Take the fight to ISIS! Be aggressive! Boots on the ground! But not if you ask me what that means! Yeah, that's positively Palinesque. And Scott Walker can see Minnesota from his house.
Walker is in a bit of a tight spot here, because he has exactly zero foreign policy expertise or experience or even past professed interest; his most striking military victories have titles like the Battle of Singing Protesters vs. The Statehouse Lawn. There is little indication he could find Syria on a map, and his proposal of "boots on the ground" seems suspiciously like a phrase he read off a placemat.or he has hired Palin as his speech writer, no matter history has shown us the dumber and more malicious you are the better your chances in the republican party to get the nod for higher office, the base the more crooked you are and radical rhetoric you toss them the more votes. real SOB isn't he?