you ever wonder how ignorant racism is?
In Vermont, an eighth-grade girl who was studying Latin wrote a letter to the Minority Leader of the Vermont Senate suggesting that Vermont should have a Latin motto, in addition to -- but not replacing -- the official English motto ("Freedom and Unity"). So, the people involved came up with this:
Stella quarta decima fulgeat. The translation: “May the Fourteenth Star Shine Bright,” is a nod to Vermont’s status as the fourteenth state to join the union. Nice. Poetic in both languages.
Here's a post about the story from a Vermont blog: No good deed goes unpunished. Apparently a local TV station did a story about it and got a huge number of incredibly ignorant comments on their Facebook page, here: WCAX: One state senator thinks Vermont should have a Latin motto. What do you think?.
The crazies came out of the woodwork: "If you live in the United States, you need to learn English!" "Vermont ain't no Latino area." "This is America, not Mexico or some other Latin-American country." And so on.
Apparently these people don't know that "E Pluribus Unum" is a Latin phrase. Or that Latin was the language of educated people until well into the Medieval Period. Or that prior to Martin Luther (Germany) or Wycliffe or Tyndale or King James (England) you pretty much had to read the Bible in Latin. It helped if you knew Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, too.
I'd love to hear what that eighth-grade girl thinks of all of this.
I'd also love to hear what the Tea Party will say when they learn that all of our math classes are using numerals invented by Arabs (because they're better than Roman numerals (insert Super Bowl joke here)).
when ignorance is bliss those who operate within it's scope only point out why they are more than likely charter members of the party of stupid. i too hope there is an update from the girl and her classmates, or will the powers that be censor them to keep it from getting out well too late that is what this article is about.
also will they pass a bill to burn all the MONEY AND MELT THE COINS BECAUSE OF THEIR LINKS TO ARABS, this is really a poster moment for if you hate and believe what you hate find out if you should really hate it or in this case if it's a everyday part of your life, you carry in your pockets, on your dresser and in your banks. DUHHHH!
original Arabic numerals, read 'em and weep