Fox News and CNN ignored the passage of a major anti-LGBT law in Arkansas. Will cable news outlets keep silent as conservatives push for similar legislation across the country?
On February 23, Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) allowed Arkansas SB 202 to become law. The law prohibits cities and counties from adopting non-discrimination protections that are stronger than those adopted by the state government, effectively banning local protections for LGBT Arkansans in housing, employment, and public accommodations. According to an Equality Matters analysis, since it was first filed in the state senate on February 2, SB 202 has received no coverage from either Fox News or CNN:
okay can you call this anything other than the tyranny of a dictatorship prohibiting tax paying American citizens of respecting other tax paying American citizens service or protections against the very people that are fostering this law. republicans are so pleased with themselves every time they can slap something down that Pres. has advocated and gotten into law it's more to slap him than deny those they oppose.
i would like them to show us where in the Bible that God said refuse anyone of basics. the Bible is critical about homosexuality but it also says love thy neighbor, you have to drop and disobey one if you embrace the other. click this link below very interesting take on homosexuality it has something for both sides which can make it easy for one side or the other to stop reading at the first confirmation of their point. that is not advised if you can't bring yourself to go on pass that point then you do yourself and family and friends an injustice they may be caught up in this IMO bigotry. the rest of this article as well is informative about how some subvert the bill of rights "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" as long as i agree with your happiness. by discriminating they violate man's law and God's law what does that make those who do?