Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is refusing to meet with a group of ardently pro-Israel Democratic senators next week in Washington, but he very much wants to see the faces of Arab ambassadors in the audience during his controversial address to Congress.
Netanyahu's ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, has tried, without success, to recruit Arab ambassadors to come to his boss’s speech, e-mailing them personally to plead for their attendance. Dermer, who is not a trained diplomat, is the man who helped engineer the invitation to Netanyahu to speak to Congress in opposition to President Obama’s (so far theoretical) Iran nuclear deal.
Israeli sources tell me that Dermer in recent days has e-mailed at least two Arab ambassadors, those of Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. He made the case in these e-mails that Sunni-majority Arab states and Israel have a common interest in thwarting a nuclear agreement with Shiite Iran—and that presenting a united and public front on Capitol Hill will help convince Congress to stop the Iran deal before it’s too late.
It is true that Israel and such countries as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait see Iran as an enemy, and believe that the Obama administration might be inadvertently (or, for the more conspiratorially minded, advertently) setting Iran on the path to nuclearization. It is also true that no Arab ambassador would allow himself to be used as a prop in Netanyahu’s controversial address, and I'm told that neither ambassador will be in attendance. (A related, subsidiary question is this: Just who from the diplomatic corps will actually attend the speech? Will any ambassador show up?)
i would suppose someone will show up but keep in mind Netanyahu represents the right wing of his country and they like ours are war monger saber waver's. i think the two that refused to be apart of this contrivance are right peace should be pursued to it's end war should be a last effort, it's easy to sit in a palace or wherever he sits and send someone else's children to their deaths because of your pissing match. what would really happen if Iran gets nukasized Israel and several other countries have them now and i'm sure if we look back they have said something like killing off their enemy of that time. if Iran gets it neither will use it i think the other mid east countries and Russia and China which would face potential fall out problems would finally get some skin in the fight and stop it from happening, No. Korea's been selling wolf tickets and have nukes but the worry is over something that has not happened.
i repeat we are not Israel's big brother who protects them from neighborhood bullies, nor are we the other countries over their they have armies they are at risk if their butts don't mean enough to them to fight for it dust to dust.