Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How Fox News Is Helping Homophobes Hijack Christianity


Fox News is witnessing the nasty byproducts of its endless campaign to depict extreme, virulent homophobia as a normal part of mainstream Christianity.
It's long been standard practice at Fox News to conflate anti-gay bigotry with Christianity. Last December, for instance, the network rushed to defend Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson after he compared homosexuality with bestiality and equated gay people with "drunks" and "terrorists," with Megyn Kelly referring to Robertson as "[t]his Christian guy," Sean Hannity describing his comments as "old fashioned traditional Christian sentiment and values," and Fox News commentator Todd Starnes defending Robertson as upholding "the teachings of the Bible."
Meanwhile, Fox has repeatedly touted business owners who refuse service to gay couples, taking up their mantle in regular "Fight for Faith" segments. The network has championed some of the country's most extreme anti-gay hate groups as mainstream Christian organizations. When New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declined to attend he city's St. Patrick's Day Parade over its ban on LGBT groups, Fox News attacked him as a "religious bigot." And the network regularly describes even basic legal protections for LGBT people as anti-Christian. 
Now, a new anti-gay controversy has once again provided fodder for Fox to depict extreme anti-gay bigotry as grounded in mainstream Christianity. Earlier this month, HGTV cancelled a forthcoming reality show slated to be hosted by brothers Jason and David Benham. The cancellation came after Right Wing Watch unearthed the brothers' history of extreme anti-gay and Islamophobic activism, including condemning homosexuality as "demonic" and "destructive."
Anchor Megyn Kelly responded to HGTV's move by asserting on the May 8 edition of The Kelly File that while "gay rights are more and more protected in this country," the same didn't hold for "Christian beliefs and Christian rights."
During the May 16 edition of Kelly's show, guest host Martha MacCallum invited right-wing radio commentator Dana Loesch and Democratic strategist Jessica Ehrlich to discuss the controversy engulfing the Benham brothers. Perfectly encapsulating the right's bogus homophobia-as-Christianity narrative, Loesch dubbed Ehrlich an "anti-Christian bigot" for deigning to criticize the brothers' extreme anti-gay views:
LOESCH: I just don't understand the anti-Christian bigotry. I mean, I think the world is big enough for us all, don't you think?
EHRLICH: It is absolutely -- what you just said encapsulates my argument completely.
LOESCH: How so?
EHRLICH: There is no anti-Christian bigotry here. They have cloaked their political views in a religious -
EHRLICH: These are not Christian views... Those are not the views of all Christians, and for you to say that is outrageous.
LOESCH: So, how does that make them anti-Christian, using your logic, Jessica, using your logic, if they are anti homosexual because they believe in a biblically based -
EHRLICH: Because not all Christians believe -
LOESCH: You'll learn more if you keep your mouth shut. Now, Jessica, how is that that they are anti-homosexual but you are not anti-Christian? [emphasis added]

the trouble with spewing other's rhetoric you get called out and can't explain the original thought because they only got the talking point no logic for it, why wasn't evangelical doctrine not mentioned were they assuming the correlation to Christianity, because they don't teach from the same Bible if they use it at all.  this topic would fit right in, the bigotry and intolerance is their staple and aside from ObamaCares and Pres. their only talking point.

you also forget the little lies that tie the whole thing together and you go off script and oop's!