Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council implied yesterday that pro-gay Christians are not 'real Christians' and are not protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution as are conservative Christians.
From Right Wing Watch: Caller: I wanted to see if I can get your response to the members of the clergy in Charlotte that are suing for the right to perform gay marriages, saying that the ban on gay marriage infringes on their religious rights. It’s my understanding that they are a Christian organization, it’s normally the other way around, and so I’m curious to hear what you got to say about it.
Perkins: I would use that term ‘Christian’ loosely. That title is — let’s talk biblical, here’s the deal, it’s like with the Religious Freedom Restoration Act that we worked on in Mississippi and failed in Arizona and other places, here’s a test of what is a true religious freedom, a freedom that’s based on orthodox religious viewpoints. It has to have a track record, it has to come forth from religious orthodoxy.
You cannot point to the Christian faith and say that same-sex marriage has been a key teaching of the church. You can only point to the opposite, that the church has stood against sexual immorality in terms of sexual relations of those outside of marriage and in particular homosexual behavior. There is no place, there is nothing for them to stand on and say that same-sex marriage has standing in the orthodox Christian faith.
They’re playing games here, trying to turn the effort that so many Americans are now faced with of preserving religious freedom, they’re now trying to do a jujitsu move and say, ‘We’re going to use religious freedom to say we have a right to do same-sex marriage.’ Well, there is no foundation for that, there is no orthodox Christian holding that has ever said marriage is between people of the same sex.republicans with their comrades evangelicals have created a new anti religion right under the noses of the faithfuls they take advantage of by using their re-writes to demean Americans not like them or are they being zoomed within their own ranks with gay and lesbians as well as their congregation how many closets are hiding their members or them. i don't see how devout so called Christians can embrace the teachings that don't correspond to the Bible, it becomes a question of who do these faithfuls worship a God they apparently by actions disavow or a Elmer Gantry type selling hate, bigotry and racism. remember not all bigots are racist but all racist are bigots.
if they believe what their being told shouldn't they worry about after death because when it comes down to it doesn't matter what you believe you too will be dead and stinking question is where, which way is up??