Sunday, January 4, 2015

National Organization for Marriage and its comically brave face

Brian Brown, president of National Organization for Marriage, addresses supporters of a traditional marriage rally at Utah's State Capitol building in Salt Lake City, Utah January 28, 2014.  Utah temporarily became the 18th U.S. state to legalize same-sex

To say that the National Organization for Marriage had a low-down, dirty rotten year is a seriously gross understatement. At nearly every turn, their demented efforts to throw up roadblocks against marriage equality have been soundly thwacked. Yet that hasn't stopped their president, Brian Brown, from insisting that 2014 was a swell year for them and they are positioned very well for 2015.
It is always good at the end of a year to take a look back and reflect on some of the highlights. There has been a lot of movement in the battle over the definition of marriage this past year, and it seems like every one of the 52 weeks of 2014 brought another development—some good, some bad.
Indeed, it did seem like every one of the 52 weeks of 2014 brought another development. However, for NOM, it was mostly bad. Very bad. Ignoring all that bad, Brian Brown recapped NOM's five most read stories of 2014 in a truly pathetic effort to look like winners to their rapidly dwindling base of supporters.
brave faced or bald face i'm going with the latter, the world is changing we are changing look back at last 6 years with all the obstruction from you local ignorant right wing republican rhetoric to SCOTUS decisions  Americans are losing the separative bigoted ways of old used to divide and conquer by republicans which they proceeded to try and pin that tale on the donkey, Americans they positioned on the back burner are now hanging on the oven door handle up front and in their faces.  putting another human being into a box puts you in one as swell except yours has a scarlet "B"  on it for bigot.

are they so paranoid and insecure in their own relationships that they think they finally found a collective reason that is not their fault blaming others for your failures only puts four failings in focus.