Monday, July 21, 2014

Right-Wing Media Find A Way To Make MH17 Crash About Benghazi

Conservative figures have resorted to linking the 2012 attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, to the July 17 crash of Flight MH17, a Malaysia Airlines jetliner reportedly shot down by pro-Russia rebels as it flew over Ukraine, killing nearly 300 people.
This form of exploitation has become commonplace among right-wing talking heads, who have repeatedly attempted to link Benghazi to a variety of unrelated events such as the Chris Christie bridge scandal, Yom Kippur, Monday Night Football, openly gay NFL prospect Michael Sam, the weather, and even the still-missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370.
These media figures often invoke Benghazi to attack President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or to deflect scrutiny away from conservatives, and the deadly plane crash in Ukraine presented another opportunity.

Rush Limbaugh
Radio host Rush Limbaugh took aim at Obama's response to the plane crash by linking it to the administration's response to the Benghazi attacks. Criticizing Obama for not taking a harsher stance toward Russia and the pro-Russia rebels who reportedly shot down the plane, Limbaugh alleged on his July 21 show, "If we're not going to take action against Benghazi ... we're not going to take action here."

American's know that the Benghazi faux right wing scandal has been rebuked every time they bring it up but they keep going anyway I see it as repetitive lies have the potential to be taken as true if heard enough, they know their base will pick it up and run tell it so are they stupid to keep it up yes because their base is less than half the electorate. or is their base dumb as a bag of hair, yes because it's been constantly rebuked they still chose to believe it.  it shows that the republicans and their supporters are dangerous to America, if we fail to make a super strong showing in Nov. on the 4th and 2016 our greatest fear and failure will be realized Nov. 5th too late for any "AHHH CRAP".

check article for more on those who oppose, understand this is not an option it's our lives and well being, are we pawns or people?