Monday, July 21, 2014

Arizona charter school teaches from book arguing slavery wasn't so bad

Heritage Foundation

  • The Heritage Foundation is an American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Heritage's stated mission is to "formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense".

are you believing this they kill me with "AMERICAN VALUES" as part of their manifesto, well we've seen their American values and they are the republican values, they value the dollar bill and the power it brings those values only cover 1% of Americans, they should be honest a say "1% of American Values now known as "PRINCIPLES", ARE THESE THE "PRINCIPLES" you want your child to grow up on?

We may have discovered one of the reasons why certain folks in Arizona turn out as they do. It seems the charter schools there can have (ahem) an interesting curriculum.
Heritage Academy uses two books by controversial anti-communist author Cleon Skousen — The 5,000 Year Leap and The Making of America — that “push ‘Christian nation’ propaganda and other religious teachings on impressionable, young students,” according to Alex Luchenitser, the associate legal director for Americans United.
Of course, if you attend something called the Heritage Academy I suppose it's pretty clear what you're going to get. It's one of those words that has long since been appropriated to mean ... things. Skousen, for his part, is one of the people incessantly peddled by noted history-puncher Glenn Beck, and was known for his let's-say-eccentric interpretations of history, ones that posited the United States to be a country created by God Himself and that slavery was just America's way of giving black people Jesus hugs:

[Law professor Garrett Epps] noted that “parts of his major textbook, The Making of America, present a systematically racist view of the Civil War,” adding that a “long description of slavery in the book claims that the state [of slavery] was beneficial to African Americans and that Southern racism was caused by the ‘intrusion’ of northern abolitionists and advocates of equality for the freed slaves.”
In The Making of America, Skousen included an essay by Fred Albert Shannon, in which he argued that “if [black children] ran naked it was generally from choice, and when the white boys had to put on shoes and go away to school they were likely to envy the freedom of their colored playmates.”

I've written about tis in earlier post, there is American history and there is right wing anti American history.  I also said that if we let them privatize than we get a curriculum that is tailor made for indoctrinating students to their perverted way of seeing things. Heritage is no more than a Koch subsidiary,  right wing starts them off in kindergarten, summer indoctrination camps college and rely on the Heritage think tank to advise them best on how to mold those minds in to hate filled, selfish radical bigots after their own image.

does it change the fact that they will still be the minority race in America in a few years, no and those mostly responsible are the Hispanics the same ones they have hated on forever, will they forget I pray not.  as to the slave lies being taught that will be left to us to keep the history real and alive and honest.