Relentless investigations into the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya that have been tirelessly cheered on by right-wing media have reportedly cost taxpayers and the Pentagon millions of dollars and wasted thousands of hours of personnel time, according to the Associated Press.
Citing a March 11 Pentagon letter, the AP reported how millions in funding have been funneled away from other Department of Defense responsibilities to "repetitive requests for information from about 50 congressional hearings, briefings and interviews," and the Pentagon determined that "[t]he total cost of compliance with Benghazi-related congressional requests sent to the department and other agencies is estimated to be in the millions of dollars." The AP cited former commander of U.S. Africa Command Gen. Carter Ham's experience as an example:
for years we have heard the republicans beat the drum of out of control spending, Pres. and a blank check, spending like a drunken sailor conveniently leaving out that Pres. is not the last stop before that money gets spent "THEY ARE". you are seeing so many things they have tried to mislead us on can you feel safe even if you are a lifetime party member of a party that practices deceit as a way of governing and has been doing it for decades to their faithful?[He] has briefed or testified before congressional panels five times over two years, and yet both the Armed Services Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform has [sic] asked Ham to submit to additional interviews.
they are confident that you will pull the right lever for them but still continue to mislead and misinform, to me it implies they are not that sure of their old stand-by voters and have not been every since the Black guy with the big ears cleaned their clocks in 2008.
i think the historic poetic justice will forever ring in the halls of republican politics their machine was disassembled and broke down by a Black man who outBama'd them at every deceitful turn, how poetic is that?
bet they never envisioned this scenario in 2008 the yeast is out of the south no rising this time.