Fox's Hannity Praises Ryan Budget
Fox's Hannity Discusses His Favorite Aspects of Ryan's Budget. During the April 1 edition of his Fox News show, Sean Hannity used an interview with Sen. Marc Rubio (R-FL) in order to declare his support of Ryan's newly released GOP budget plan,focusing on the aspects of the plan he liked best:
HANNITY: Paul Ryan put up his own bullet points on his own website here, and we'll put it up for our audience, and in it he says it balances the budget in 10 years, pays down the debt, grows the economy. There's certain things that I looked in here that I liked as well. Not only grows the economy, but when you get to some of the specifics, I like the fact it would reform the tax code. There would be two categories, 10 and 25 percent. No alternative minimum tax -- that would be erased. Corporate tax would go from 36 to 25 percent. Repeal Obamacare, repeal the bailout of banks and Dodd-Frank. No green energy subsidies, no corporate welfare, and it would open energy exploration for the entire country. [Fox News, Hannity, 4/1/14]
while touting the same voucher plan of as before Hannity covers his butt by specifically pointing out that this is Ryan and Ryan's alone plan just in case,
HANNITY: Paul Ryan put up his own bullet points on his own website here, and we'll put it up for our audience, and in it he says it balances the budget in 10 years, pays down the debt, grows the economy.
actually they have always laid that on him particularly since it's inception, when they attacked it it was Ryan's plan, when the deceptively praised it it was still his never was it stated as the party plan, did they not have faith in it's "MERITS"?
Ryan's Budget Harshly Criticized For Impact On Economy, Poverty
CBPP: Ryan Budget Would Create "More Poverty And Less Opportunity."
Robert Greenstein, the president of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, noted that under the Ryan budget, "Affluent Americans would do quite well. But for tens of millions of others, the Ryan plan is a path to more adversity." Greenstein pointed out that the plan would leave millions without health insurance through repeals to the ACA's coverage provisions and changes to Medicaid funding. Greenstein also criticized the budget for its impact on anti-poverty programs, estimating that it would:
EPI: "Ryan Budget Would Slow Recovery, Cost Jobs."
In a post on the Economic Policy Institute's Working Economics blog, Joshua Smith estimated that because of drastic spending cuts in Ryan's budget, the plan would reduce economic growth and employment (emphasis in original):
Jared Bernstein: Ryan Budget "Perversely Asks For Sacrifices Only From Those Least Able To Bear It."
In Politico, CBPP senior fellow Jared Bernstein criticized Ryan's budget for "Orwellian budget language" and pointed out that it "perversely asks for sacrifices only from those least able to bear it while providing large cuts in tax rates for those with ample resources." Bernstein went on to criticize the budget's austerity measures:
he might be willing to fall on the sword but then again he's the VP who lied through his entire campaign along with his front runner Romney and lyin' Ryan. you cannot trust those who distort and deliberately mislead you their objective is not your well being. recognize