Sunday, February 16, 2014

Conservative Media Cheer "You're Not Married Anymore" Legislation

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                                         Cruz's big adventure 
Conservative media outlets are lauding a legislative effort to enact what experts are calling an attempt to reincarnate the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the core provision of which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down last summer.
On February 12, Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the Senate version of the State Marriage Defense Act, a bill introduced in the House by Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) in January.
The bill would require the federal government to yield to state definitions of marriage, meaning that same-sex spouses would lose the federal benefits and protections of marriage if they moved to states that prohibit same-sex marriage. Accordingly, ThinkProgress has dubbed the bill the "'You're Not Married Anymore' Bill."
that name alone implies sour grape vegeance, have you noticed that every law the Pres. has gotten votes for from all branches even the republicans they are now trying to reverse them or outright refuse to enforce them, just another "i know you are but what am i" moment in the saga of America's worst.
they should not have voted for them in the first place but in their defense God forgive me, the face on the article and bill shows us this was another anti American tea party obstruction in progress.
The bill - which stands an infinitesimal chance of passage in the Democratic-controlled Senate - would push back on the Supreme Court's June 2013 ruling against Section 3 of DOMA, which barred the federal government from recognizing validly performed same-sex marriages.
Section 2 of DOMA, which wasn't considered in the Supreme Court case, allows states to define marriage, but there's a strong argument - increasingly supported by the courts - that the logical end-point of the Supreme Court's ruling is the demise of state-sanctioned discrimination against same-sex couples.
Since the Court issued its ruling, five federal courts have overturned state marriage equality bans, citing Justice Anthony Kennedy's opinion that DOMA served no legitimate purpose. The most recent such ruling came on February 13 when U.S. District Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen struck down Virginia's marriage equality ban.
this guy is working on being the most hated man in America.  he's playing t-party politics and the base is chewing on the gristle,  he will probably win the primary but he will have moderate opposition and then it will make a great mini series when he tries to get that L off his forehead during the general election because the majority don't play that.