Monday, February 3, 2014

Bill O'Reilly Is to Journalism What the WWE Is to Fighting

 vain SOB to look like a skinned boiled chicken
Every so often, President Obama grants a one-on-one television interview to a broadcast journalist, and I sit at home cursing the interviewer for going easy on him. 
Remember the laughable questions Steve Kroft asked on 60 Minutes last winter? Well this year, Bill O'Reilly was the one lobbing softballs
The Fox News host scored a one-on-one interview that aired during the Super Bowl pre-game show. I fervently hoped he would use the opportunity to press for useful information. Few broadcasters are as intent on signaling to others that they're tough.
so is he really a teddy bear with a smile turned upside down?
Instead he conducted a faux-tough interview made up of questions that were virtually guaranteed to elicit nothing of value. "I want to get some things on the record," he began, implying that he would ask something that hasn't previously been answered on the record. 
"So let's begin with health care," he continued. "October 1st it rolls out. Immediately, there are problems with the computers. When did you know that there were going to be problems with those computers?" 
First of all, Obama answered that months ago in a nationally broadcast press conference. That he would tell the same banal story was virtually guaranteed. Second, who cares when he knew? 
shades of Hilary and Benghazi "what difference does it make now, we need to find out what happened so it doesn't happen again" 
now he's reduced to dusting off old questions already answered or was this a marching order to bring it up and back in sight of their base.
WWE reference i suppose he means staged.
The next question was a bit better.
"Why didn't you fire Sebelius, the secretary in charge of this. Because I mean she had to know, after all those years and all that money, that it wasn't going to work?" O'Reilly said. "I'm sure that the intent is noble, but I'm a taxpayer. And I'm paying Kathleen Sebelius' salary and she screwed up. And you're not holding her accountable."
More to the point, Obama doesn't seem to have held anyone accountable. I'd have preferred something like, "Did you hold people in leadership positions accountable for this failure? Tell me: who specifically was held accountable and how?" And how about, "What have you done to make sure that the next time the government has to undertake an IT project it won't be a disaster?"
But O'Reilly focuses on Sebelius. And when Obama says "I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable," he doesn't ask for any examples!
He just points about that Sebelius is still there. 
this seems to be that flea they couldn't scratch they like pit bulls get something a run with it until somebody up high tells them to quit, but when something has been answered and the same answer each time the question is posed makes it look like a medieval inquisition.
and it seems as if he just dismissed the answer looking for his own preconceived answer, Fox at it's best still looks for their facts not the facts,