Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pennsylvania Man Confronts His Governor For Refusing To Expand Medicaid: 'How Many People Have To Die?'

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This week, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett (R) had a run-in with one of his constituents as he was leaving a fundraising event. Scot Rosenzweig — who identified himself as a fellow Republican — showed Corbett a large photograph of his fiancee, Dina Nelson, who died at the age of 41 because she was uninsured and couldn’t afford a liver transplant. 
“I think maybe we should consider accepting the Medicaid expansion,” Rosenzweig told his governor, explaining that people like Nelson need access to lifesaving health treatment.
“I can’t do that,” Corbett responded.
Corbett is one of 25 governors who have declined to accept Obamacare’s optional Medicaid expansion, a move that is preventing an estimated 700,000 low-income Pennsylvanians from accessing public health insurance. 
Rather than accepting the federal funds designated for expanding his state’s Medicaid pool, Corbett is trying to win federal approval for an alternate plan, called “Healthy Pennsylvania,” that would give low-income people subsidies to buy private coverage.
 But Corbett’s plan has been sharply criticizedby anti-poverty advocates, who say it could actually reduce benefits for the state’s neediest constituents.
who are the fools here subsidies is a synonym for "VOUCHER" i said whatever they come up with will be a dusted off couple of changed words rehash of "THE RYAN BILL",  nothing new here just same BS with a different name. 
fewer and fewer are buying Obamacares is a dud they are too little too late there will be a vetting of the
"HEALTHY PENNSYLVANIA" the ame state that thought cheating Americans out of their vote would give the election to Romney, do you trust these anti American politicians to give you what they have been denying you for 5 years, peel it back SSDD
“If Dina had access to good, preventative healthcare services when she needed it, her life would have been saved,” Rosenzweig told the Sun Gazette. “Gov. Corbett needs to hear more stories like Dina’s about the real impact of his decision to delay Medicaid expansion. How many lives lost are enough?”
Pennsylvania residents have been pushing for Medicaid expansion for months. This past summer, health care advocates staged a “sick-in” outside the governor’s mansion to pressure Corbett to consider the human cost of neglecting to expand the public program.
One activist was arrested after chalking a message on the sidewalk — “Governor Corbett has health insurance, we should too” — because local law enforcement claimed it was a “derogatory remark” about the Pennsylvania leader.
arrogant republicans don't care what residents want they have teir marching orders that benefit rich and position and power for the party that is being lorded over them.  they want good health care the republicans want what they are trying to escape, their plan,
aca already law already showing it's benefits.  healthy penn. trying to get heard but still regardless to how they say it it's the same voucher system of Ryan's that was shot down.  
let's not be the idiots they think we are rejection day Nov. 4th 2014  be aware and be there.