Joyce NALTCHAYAN/AFP/Getty Images.
Like many women who are also human beings, I’ve been following the twists and turns of the “War on Women” meme for weeks now, wondering what the heck it is we’re all meant to be fighting about. It seems that some women are worried that a President Mitt Romney and Republican Congress would—as they have promised—move against fair pay for equal work,
toss between 14 and 27 million people off Medicaid (of whom about two-thirds are women), cut child care, health care, and food assistance for about 20 million children, defund Planned Parenthood, do away with Title X, and maybe seat a Supreme Court willing to reverse Roe v. Wade. Republican women, in their defense, argue that these and other legislative initiatives don’t constitute a war on women, so much as a difference in philosophy, or as 14 Republican Congresswomen put it yesterday in Politico:
“We don’t see our lives as a product of government handouts. In fact, we resent the idea that we owe our success to bureaucrats, and not our own initiative.” As the writers conclude, “We have a right to be self-confident, and we have a right to be suspicious of politicians who say we should be dependent on government programs.”
i think they should open their eyes and realize they are surviving off the right wing handouts, how confident in self can you be when you hook your wagon to the party that only allows you the right to sit there and shut up if you are not spewing their hate rhetoric and pushing that agenda.
they think Dems think women are helpless and obviously to stupid to recognize condescension when they are being slapped in the face with it. if they are not helpless like republicans are trying to con them with is that why it took so long to sign violence against women act?
we think the opposite look at the appts. to office look at women in military serving beside the homophobic males the right resisted are they again blaming us for their concerns of womens worth?those women are not protesting Progressives the are protesting republicans and their disrespect an the wat they wage to control through denial their lives and bodies.