When Republicans officially took control of the House in 2011, they were still promising their entire focus was job creation, and yet they began the 112th Congress attacking women’s rights, voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and fighting to preserve tax cuts for the richest Americans.Now, three years later House Republicans’ first three actions were attacking women’s rights, launching a repeal effort of another 2010 law, and passed legislation to enrich the dirty energy industry.Republicans are proving to be resistant to change and in less than three weeks they have shown Americans that they have no intention of changing and are on pace to waste another year pandering to their special interests instead of working for all Americans.The latest sign Republicans are deliberately wasting time is the party’s first attempt to repeal a law, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), approved in 2010 after a tax-avoidance scandal involving a Swiss bank.FATCA is an anti-tax dodging lawtargeting the filthy rich by requiring most foreign banks and investment funds to report to the IRS information about U.S. customers’ accounts worth $50,000 or more.
now that you have the republican fall preview, looks like they are stuck in a loop of reruns, no new plans because the last 5 years were wasted trying to best Pres. btw that failed miserably but they are undaunted in their insane repetition of everything they are and will be think they called it keeping their "PRINCIPLES" formerly known as "VALUES", keep this on the DL but those "PRINCIPLES" are what makes them so reprehensible. if you need more look back at my past post bring a picnic lunch and a flashlight there is a lot of reminders there +o)
Will repealing the law create even one job, contribute to GDP growth, or address the income inequality devastating the economy? Of course not, and Republicans admit the only reason for pushing the repeal effort is to “make overseas Americans far more sympathetic to Republicans and have an impact on fundraising” according to senior fellow at the Cato Institute,Daniel Mitchell. Republican Senator Rand Paul attempted to repeal FATCA last year under the guise of protecting rich tax dodgers’ privacy, but his phony “privacy issues” concern is cover for helping the rich hide their money off-shore.A Republican National Committee official from Oregon who is leading the Republican repeal effort said, “I see FATCA just like Obamacare, it will attract American overseas donors.” If the effort is successful, the only beneficiaries would be Americans in the top 1% of income earners like Willard Romney who hides their earnings offshore to avoid paying taxes. The repeal effort is another typical Republican waste of taxpayer time and money.
did you read anything that would make you life better, did you read anything about "we the people" at all, nope just all about the Benjamin's and protecting it from the gov't and reneging on their fair share even though they are doing business here, isn't that tantamount "biting the hand that feeds you?"