(CNN) -- Attorneys representing the family of Marlise Munoz -- a pregnant Texas woman they say is brain dead -- revealed Wednesday that the "fetus is distinctly abnormal.""Even at this early stage, the lower extremities are deformed to the extent that the gender cannot be determined. The fetus suffers from hydrocephalus. It also appears that there are further abnormalities, including a possible heart problem, that cannot be specifically determined due to the immobile nature of Mrs. Munoz's deceased body."Quite sadly, this information is not surprising due to the fact that the fetus, after being deprived of oxygen for an indeterminate length of time, is gestating within a dead and deteriorating body, as a horrified family looks on in absolute anguish, distress and sadness," attorneys Jessica Janicek and Heather King said in a statement.
this is un Godly, cruel to the family and all to satisfy the sadistic yearnings of those who would impose their will on others just to flex the blasphemous control they think they can exercise over another and their person, regardless to her being kept alive by machines and her family pleading for mercy to stop what they are doing this is tantamount to demonic right wing arrogance.
Munoz's family has said she has been brain-dead since her husband, Erick Munoz, found her unconscious at their home on November 26. At the time, she was 14 weeks' pregnant with the couple's second child.Munoz's husband asked a court last week to force a hospital to take her off a respirator, ventilator and other machines, saying her wishes shouldn't be disregarded just because she is pregnant.Erick Munoz filed an emergency motion as well as a complaint against John Peter Smith Hospital, both with the same goal: to have the hospital disconnect the machines so that her family can take her body and give her a proper burial."Marlise Munoz is legally dead, and to further conduct surgical procedures on a deceased body is nothing short of outrageous," her husband says in the motion.Notably, officials at the Fort Worth, Texas, hospital where 33-year-old Marlise Munoz is have not publicly declared her dead, though they have not disputed her husband's assertions either.But Texas is not alone! At least 12 other states have similar laws that reduce the end-of-life wishes of women to an afterthought, simply because they have been 'diagnosed with pregnancy'. (A number of state's laws take the viability of the fetus into account, Texas' law does not.)
i tried to see if there was any other case that set precedence my eye is tied and burning will try to find out. hope you are getting a idea of how morbidly deficient those in those states are these are scripts for horror movies. it should happen in the families of those who impose their will on others just because they can. Texas wonder if that law was to have their rape babies survive? they know the moment that baby is born defects and all they will not help them and prosecute if something happens, these are republican ideals vote for them and this and worse will be our fate.
would they do this if the women and family were White? given where it is it's a legitimate question.