The only hospital available to a Michigan woman was a Catholic one.
In December of 2010, a Michigan woman who was 18 weeks pregnant sought medical care at a hospital after her water broke. She went to the only hospital in her county, Mercy Health Partners in Muskegon, Mich. The woman, Tamesha Means, didn’t realize it was a Catholic facility.Ms. Means’ fetus had virtually no chance of surviving once her water broke. However, the development opened her to the danger of serious, life-threatening infections. The proper medical intervention in such a case is to induce labor. The fetus must be expelled, or surgically removed, for the woman’s safety. Ms. Means wasn’t told of the risks or given the option of medical intervention. Instead, Mercy Health sent her home.The next morning, Ms. Means returned to the hospital, bleeding and in pain. She was sent home again. That same night, she made a third trip to the hospital, this time with a fever as well as severe pain.As the hospital was in the process of sending her home yet again, she began to miscarry and was, at last, given medical attention. She said of her multiple journeys to Mercy Health:They never offered me any options. They didn’t tell me what was happening to my body. Whatever was going on with me, they discussed it amongst themselves. I was just left to wonder, what’s going to happen to me?
this is the kinda of unchristian like agenda within the Catholic org. Pope Frankie was referring to, and this is why they are grumbling they they are hypocrites they would allow the mother to die and the baby but claiming religious objection to abortion. where is the Godly action in that?
first they need to change that name it's fraudulently misleading.
The woman’s care did not meet ‘basic medical standards.’
At a news conference announcing the lawsuit, Dr. Douglas Laube, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Wisconsin, said:
It’s clear to me that Mercy Health Partners neglected to treat Ms. Means according to basic medical standards, and as such prolonged her suffering and jeopardized her health. While we’re all entitled to our religious beliefs, hospitals should not be entitled to impose their religious beliefs on patients and medical staff who do not share them.
This is a crucial issue for women across the nation. Catholic hospitals are merging with secular ones at a rapid rate. Currently, one out of six hospital beds is part of a Catholic system.
In states like Washington, which is experiencing a huge number of mergers, over half of the hospital beds are expected to become part of Catholic health services. According to the ACLU, this means 10 counties out of Washington’s 39 will soon contain nothing but Catholic hospitals.
i think the Bishops messed around and picked the right one to turn them into a humane religion, understand not bashing all just thiose who promote this tytpe of right wing denial and just don't care in the name fill in that one. how can giving care to sick and those in need of medical assistance be catagorized as a "BASIC MEDICAL STANDARD" Jesus didn't pick and choose are tghey better than he, definitely more snobby.