Former President Bill Clinton said he believes President Obama should honor the promise he made that people who liked their healthcare coverage could keep it under the Affordable Care Act.“So I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got,” Clinton said in an interview with Ozymandias.
much luv for Bill, but he is a politician on the cusp of making history if Hillary runs and wins. republicans have successfully fooled the masses into turning against ObamaCares, thereby they he and Hilary can claim distance and not be affected by any bad publicity the right wing is sure to bring.
now as brilliant a politician he is suppose for a second the fix works and the republicans get the mud all over their face, and fickle America loves it, miscalculation?
Clinton's comment immediately took off online, topping the Drudge Report Tuesday morning.Clinton, who has been used by White House to explain the benefits of the health care law, also said, "The big lesson is that we're better off with this law than without it."He then named three problems he saw with the law: the rocky enrollment period due to the faulty website; states with Republican governors not taking Medicaid money; and that some young people cannot keep existing health insurance plans.
is this a "i was for it before i was against it" moment or just looking iout for Hilary's back i'm going with the latter. playing to that 5% is a ploy but he's promoting the GOP plan keep your sub par insurance if you are that stupid at least you won't be lying in the hospital dying from nothing, because your present ins. won't cover it you could be lying on that gurney from lack of insurance your choice life and ObamaCares or death with a voucher between your teeth.?