Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Washington Post columnist: Racism is a 'conventional view'


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Richard Cohen is a longtime Washington Post columnist. That's the thing to remember, as your gag reflex is perhaps triggered by the words you're about to read. This is not a random crank, it's someone being paid good money by one of the nation's leading newspapers.
Cohen's latest is typically unfocused and incoherent, circling around at one point to the subject of the Republican Party and race. The state of the GOP in Iowa "suggests ... the Dixiecrats of old." But don't worry! "Today’s GOP is not racist." 
It suggests a breakaway third party formed to preserve segregation, but it's not racist. Okaaaay, let's see where he's going with this ... "but it is deeply troubled — about the expansion of government, about immigration, about secularism, about the mainstreaming of what used to be the avant-garde." Hmmm. 
The first item on that list is often a cover for racism, the second item is all about race, and you might think the fourth was about LGBT rights right up until you read Cohen's next sentence:
People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children. (Should I mention that Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, used to be a lesbian?
not sure about the Lesbian part, but i did wonder when the kids showed all Blacked up Afro's and possible corn row extensions daughter had that Au Natural look during campaign, it was as if he staged it to garner the Black vote and surely turned off some whites.
wonder how long they were sporting that look?
Being just fine with interracial marriage is a pretty damn conventional view these days, it turns out. Cohen would likely claim he was just interpreting the hearts and minds of Iowa Republicans; he ends the paragraph by writing "To cultural conservatives, this doesn’t look like their country at all." But that gag reflex bit ...
that doesn't come from an imagination channeling what other people might be thinking. That comes from Richard Cohen, a writer who just happens to have more than a little history of racially questionable writing. While remaining employed by the Washington Post. All you can really say in his defense, maybe, is that at least he didn't follow up "Chirlane McCray used to be a lesbian" with a trenchant observation on the "ex-gay" movement.
i find it most egregious when those who have histories within their race stand and deliver for the party that to this day and on hate them and still call them what they perceive them to be, they are pawns that support that which was their heritages bane of existence and a few hundred years later they are out there carrying their water, they like to use slave lately what do they call those just written about?  not alot of difference between the Jewish and AFRICAN AMERICANS EXCEPT THEY NOW ARE NOT FOND OF EACH OTHER, WONDER WHY?