DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATESIran and the United States on Monday blamed each other for the failure to reach agreement on a deal to limit Iran's uranium enrichment in exchange for an easing of Western sanctions.
In spite of the accusations, there was some diplomatic progress as Iran promised to offer more information and expanded access to U.N. nuclear inspectors - including more openings at a planned reactor and uranium site.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Iranian envoys had backed away from a wider deal this weekend seeking to ease Western concerns that Tehran could one day develop atomic weapons.Iran's foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, countered by criticizing Kerry's remarks, telling an Iranian TV talk show that the American's "conflicting statements" damaged confidence in the process, adding that "considerable progress was made" in Geneva.
what are we witnessing here, a "i know you are but what am i"? both have a need to let their people know it's not their fault but when both do it it's questionable as to who is causing problems or are they both stuck in a peeing contest?
With negotiators set to resume next week, Iranian officials promoted a separate pact reached with the U.N. nuclear chief Yukiya Amano as a "roadmap" for greater cooperation and transparency, which could move the talks ahead. But the plans do not mention some of the sites most sought by U.N. teams to probe suspicions of nuclear-related work, notably the Parchin military facility outside Tehran."It's an important step forward, but by no means the end of the process," Amano told The Associated Press in Tehran. "There is still much work to be done."
both have to realize this is hinging on compromise, don't believe that to be an equal gesture as each feel their points are paramount and the other feels they are ant hills, importance is in the eye of the beholder.
not easy to give up that which to you makes you a peer and equally as threatening.