Attempted church bomber and pals hand out photos of aborted fetuses.
Parents in North Texas have plenty to fear from Abolitionist Society of Burleson, an anti-choice group that spent all of last week outside of Crowley North High School. They have also taken their anti-choice campaign to high schools in Crowley, Little Elm, and Fort Worth.This has been done before, so what is so different here, you might ask? Well, they were led by Jered Ragon, a man who has done time in federal prison for trying to blow up a church, presumably because his own religious beliefs led him to do so. Further, they spread their message with graphic photos of aborted fetuses. One student, Gabrielle Wood, said of the incident: My parents absolutely wouldn’t want me to see that.
why is it always God that inspires the insane to do the work of the Lord or has that become the plan say it you're found to be crazy and get away with a hospital stay, God is the definition of right from wrong why is that never explained to those who loin the ranks of the few that God talked to in the Bible?
this is supposed to be a country predicated on securing the right to religious freedom when they get here they immediately impose on the indigenous peoples what they were supposedly trying to escape was that their real reason or what has unfolded since that time, slavery to disenfranchising today. there are many religions and forms of the same religions.
one God and multiple worshipers or manipulators, very few follow the rules i think that's why so many factions "i don't like this" so it's omitted from their tenets, they have made IN THEIR MINDS God and religion user friendly, susceptible to amendment as need be.