Friday, November 8, 2013

Kansas Boy Kicked Out Of School Over Wearing A Purse To School (VIDEO) -

Article PhotoSkylar Davis, A 13 year-old Kansas Boy was reportedly suspended from school over wearing a purse to school. Apparently it’s the law for all Kansas school boys to carry an AR-15 and a copy of a David Barton book to school. The Kansas boy’s mother is justifiably upset and express her outrage at the clear-cut discrimination since girls can wear them with no repercussions.

13 year-old Kansas boy sounds off on his suspension

“I don’t think everyone should be treated differently,” Skylar Davis said. “Everyone should have the same privileges.” (KCTV5)
he is right but he lives in a bigoted environment and they are not likely to change anytime soon.  do they all have personal issues that make them have a need to demonize others, was he hurting anyone, like bullies or selling drugs out of the bag, or were they just trying to humiliate him in public this could scar him later in life or tomorrow, these same school officials that did this to him could be starring down the barrel of their destruction, does that humiliation stand as a reason to snap and we all know there are different outcomes?
some of us are worried about that kid that snaps from peer pressure or adult insensitivity, others are indifferent when it happens some of us morn others want to arm the very person who may have triggered the incident, looking for a better way is and must be all inclusive.
not likely the perpetrator will turn themselves in premassacre most opt to end it themselves so that leaves the task of recognition to the parents and those adults responsible when they are not at home.  those times can be exploited like any other think that involves the patrolling of another power syndrome, in child cases the premature reporting and the "i'm just trying to do my 8 hrs." bunch and that kid is lost to te system, education will take years to be fully capable of rescuing these kids before they wreck lives, but they have to care not be a 40 hrs and i'm done person.
so much depends on so many who have different ideals, prejudices, their own similar issues in short almost a mission impossible, but to pt a percent on it would damn it from the start, doing our best is not realistic every-body's best are not the same, personality clashes and the eye on the prize that is that kid is now focused on me and mine.