Friday, November 8, 2013

Guns and Ammo caves to gun nuts, fires pro-gun control editor

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A few days ago, Guns and Ammo magazine kicked the hornet’s nest known as right-wing gun culture. 24 hours later, after riling up the gun nuts, Guns and Ammo proved that having a gun does not mean one has an ounce of courage or integrity.
But what did Guns and Ammo do? Did they call for a ban on all guns? Did they call for the Second Amendment to be overturned? Nope. None of that, although from the screams of the lunatic gun nuts, you’d think they did just that. 
for people that want and have so many guns they sure act insecure and squeamish as if they didn't have a gun or a bullet the sky will fall.  wonder how many actually had a problem warranting a gun my guess not that many, could that be a reason for SYG laws they have no reason so they invent one, "he looked at me"??
So what did Guns and Ammo do to elicit this kind of reaction? Contributing editor Dick Metcalf had the nerve to write an editorial in support of common sense gun laws titled “Let’s Talk Limits“:
…way too many gun owners still seem to believe that any regulation of the right to keep and bear arms is an infringement. The fact is, all constitutional rights are regulated, always have been, and need to be.
You can see why all the uproar at this heresy. A gun magazine calling for the outrageous step of making sure gun owners know how to actually use their guns in a safe manner?! Blasphemy!!! That’s the first step to the total ban of all guns, tyranny and genocide! Wayne LaPierre says so all the time so it must be true.
is it the gun owners or the the gn lobby that tells them "what ever words they use they are coming for yor guns", which frightens the already stockpile gn owners to run out and buy more while LaPierre and the boyz laugh all the way to the bank, you can get rich off other people.
G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", nothing more dangerous than a scardy cat with a gun and NRA in their ear. and the only thing that beats that is no guns. recognize or read or see yourself or family film at 11pm.