Thursday, November 7, 2013

Abortion Causes Climate Change Says Religious Crackpot David Barton

Article PhotoChristian historian David Barton came out and said he believes climate change is definitely man-made, but not the way we might think. Barton does not think that burning fossil fuels is the problem. Instead, he believes that things like legal abortion causes climate change. God is angry, and taking his wrath out on us poor wretches by making the planet warm up, which creates crazy weather.
According to an episode of Believer’s Voice of Victory, Barton and fellow evangelical Kenneth Copeland believe that, when Americans voted people who support abortion into office, it opened the door to various curses on us. These curses include flooding, tornadoes, murder and even pedophilia. So abortion causes climate change, along with mass shootings and child rape.

David Barton is a revisionist historian. Actual historians have no respect for him or his work.

Barton believes that biblical law is what should govern the U.S., just like many other evangelicals. He also believes that the U.S. was founded as a Christian nation. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), he argues that the founders only intended Christians to be elected to office. Barton is a revisionist historian.
and they are off and running again and it still is the most idiotic things you'll here anywhere, would it be more appropriate to say God is more angry with them the way they have usurped the Bible and religion and totally disrespected it's words it's intent and obeying less the 10 Commandments and lying about the whole thing.

There is no actual debate about the causes of climate change among scientists.

97% of scientists in the world agree that humans are fueling climate change. Furthermore, out of 14,000 peer-reviewed papers between 1991 and 2012, only 23 concluded that climate change either wasn’t influenced by man, or wasn’t happening at all.
However, groups like the Heartland Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists all lobby heavily against addressing climate change.
These organizations are a big part of the reason Americans think scientists can’t agree on what’s fueling climate change. It’s important to note that both Heritage and Heartland get funding from Donors Trust and its sister organization, Donors Capital Fund. These two organizations are specifically funding anti-climate science for companies like Exxon-Mobil, and people like the Koch Brothers.
this is elementary it's all about the Benjamin's,  they try to refute the 97% of scientist as loons because if we except their analysis or the law agrees the republican no longer have a horse in the race of climate control fickled and bought as the right wing politicians that would not vote for deregulation.  our safety would cost them a few bucks but better a few more now the helpless then.  these people must stop clinging to those guns and read their Bibles.  ignorant devotion lies are the hardest to break through to the truth, they are gullible enough to believe it but not smart enough to rectify it when they see it was all a lie at their expense.