Thursday, November 7, 2013

Christian Fundamentalists Turn Their Backs On Pat Robertson For Having A Moment Of Sanity (VIDEO)

Article PhotoPat Robertson is considered one of the evangelists responsible for the rise of Christian right-wing fundamentalism. In fact, Robertson is so far to the right that even Barry Goldwater hated him. For decades, when it came to Christian extremism, nobody beat Pat Robertson. He’s been a leader of a movement that now threatens the Constitution and our system of government with religious tyranny. But now, Robertson is getting a taste of his own medicine.
Remember when Pat Robertson admitted that Earth is older than 6,000 years?
The civil war between conservatives seems to now be raging within the Christian Right. And 700 Club host Pat Robertson is the first to be attacked as not Christian enough. It all goes back to November 2012 when Robertson dismissed the notion that Earth is only 6,000 years old. In a rare moment of sanity, Robertson told a female viewer that dinosaurs pre-date humans and that she should not deny science.
wow we all know how republicans hate it when one to theirs gets confused and pushes back on the talking points de jour.  but i'm wondering with all the old timers kicking in for Robinson did we really know what he was saying or was it subconscious coup it only for a moment? 

Creationist Christian extremists attacked Pat Robertson for stating a fact.

This sane moment from Robertson, a college educated man, is precisely what drove creationist Christians to attack Robertson this week. ‘Creation Today’ hosts Eric Hovind and Paul Taylor criticized Robertson for not believing as they do and questioned the televangelist’s loyalty to the Bible.
“Of course the Bible does cover dinosaurs,” Taylor declared. “We have talked about that on this show several times.”
Taylor continued to assault Robertson:
“Pat Robertson is claiming, then, that 6,000 years comes from Ussher’s book and not the Bible. The point is, where did Ussher get his figure of 6,000 years? Now, then, Pat Robertson, are you claiming the Bible is not [divinely] inspired when the Bible clearly tells us that the world is 6,000 years old?”
Usser book are they saying this guy is a charlatan and does not teach from the bible?  this may be a glimpse into the televangelist scheme, they all seem to be rich from spreading a gospel that might not be reliably Christain and ignoring a particular verse that counters their existence as the live it are they afraid of the blasphemy they preach damning them or is it they never believed it anyway?