Thursday, November 7, 2013

U.S. House Calendar for 2014 Cuts Work Days From 126 To 113

Article PhotoIs anybody interested in a job that pays $174,000 a year, with full benefits and a ton of perks that would make even the CEO’s of some major corporations jealous? Welcome to the United States House of Representatives. But wait, it gets better. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has released the 2014 House calendar, which has that body working a total of 113 days in 2014. Yes, you read that right. 113 days.
At a time when congressional approval is at an all time low, ranging from five to eleven percent, depending on which poll you are looking at, the House is actually cutting the number of work days for the coming year. The number of work days on the House calendar for 2013 is 126. Members obviously found that to be too taxing, after working only 107 days in 2012. Since House members work for a salary rather than an hourly wage, their $174,000 annual pay remains the same whether they work one day or 365 days.
2014 is long enough to allow elected people that we pay obviously for nothing to continue reaping that benefit and we get nothing, the Tea Party got it all backwards we are the ones who are taxed with no representation, they are the ones who have done nothing positive for us or country, but a whole rack of things to obstruct those that would and they paint those doers as they should be painted black screen this time black is not beautiful.
Here’s another way to look at this. For 2014 House members will earn $1539.82 per work day. If we are generous and assume that each work day for the House is 12 hours long (which they are not, typically), members will earn $128.32 per hour.
for what they have not done makes them thieves for accepting it and those who voted for them fools, they and their voters have restricted our growth while the scream about how Pres. has not lead us out of their swamp.
In his letter to House members, Cantor offers the following observations about the House calendar:
Over the past three years, the legislative schedule has created certainty, increased efficiency and productivity in the committee process, and protected committee time. To that extent, we will continue to protect each morning for committees so that they may conduct their legislative and oversight work without interruption and we will schedule floor votes for the afternoon and no later than 7:00 p.m. As with this year, consideration of appropriation bills may require evening votes. Additionally, we will adhere to holding last votes of the week no later than 3:00 p.m. on the last day in session.
So much for that generous assumption of a 12 hour work day.
Republicans are notorious for slacking when they control a legislative body. In 2006 the House calendar called for only 101 legislative days. When Democrats took over after the 2006 elections, the number of work days in 2007 jumped to 167.
there is no excuse don't accept another snow job, as to increased efficiency and the rest of that elephant dung guess it's his term to tell the lie of the week, are they competing?
Over the past three years, the legislative schedule has created certainty, increased efficiency and productivity 
so why are they called and rightfully so the do nothing-est congress in history.   are they changing any minds by word of mouth their mouths?