The Affordable Care Act calls for everyone to be insured in 2014, and sets a financial penalty if you don't get insured. Some healthy people may weigh buying insurance (with a monthly premium) versus taking this penalty. A range of options is available in your state's official marketplace.
Each state's marketplace offers plans that come with different amounts of coverage and benefits. Also, if your income falls below a certain amount, you can qualify for a subsidy on monthly premiums, which can help you afford a more expensive plan.
Go to U.S. News' state insurance guide for specific buying advice.
If you buy health insurance:
- Any plan, even the cheapest on the market, is guaranteed to protect you to some degree against 10 kinds of medical costs, including hospitalizations, preventive care (like annual physicals and some vaccinations), emergency services, and prescription drugs.
- The amount you pay for health insurance each month will no longer be based on your health status, or history of past medical claims.
- You cannot be denied insurance for having a preexisting medical condition.
- Plans cannot have a lifetime limit on coverage. Before the ACA, some insurers would stop covering you after paying for a certain amount of care.
just a few of the plus things that make this a no brainer that is different from the no brains republican lies to prevent you from this plan only because it is the Pres. 's plan identical to the one they had no problem with when Romney implemented it, even he betrayed himself by decrying the ACA and he wanted to be your Pres. if elected we would not e having this conversation and 30 million plus would not have ns. your kid would be on their own and if you have a preexisting cancel getting better.
If you choose not to buy health insurance:
- Delaying medical care can lead to health problems or hospitalizations that could have been prevented.
- The federal government will penalize you for not being insured by 2014; this is the controversial individual mandate of the ACA. For 2014, the penalties are $95 per adult and $47.50 per child, up to $285 or 1 percent of family income, whichever is greater. The penalties rise each year. For more information about the penalties, click here.
- You are not protected against the cost of medical bills if you get sick. A three-day hospital stay can cost $30,000 or more if you are uninsured.
- Medical bills can significantly impact your budget. About half of uninsured people have trouble paying their medical bills.
- You may have trouble buying medicines. About a quarter of all uninsured people couldn't pay for prescription drugs, compared to 14 percent of people on Medicaid and 5 percent of people who were insured through their employer, according to research from the Kaiser Family Foundation
now who's zoomin' who republicans or your duly elected Pres. and his admin?