but today he is still trying to assign credit to those who had no dog in this race, like Bush catching Bin Laden, pitiful cries for attention and recognition regardless how superficial as long as he see's his name he high fives himself.
“Some will say that only the threat of force brought Russia and Syria to the negotiating table,” Paul said, referring to a Russian proposal that Syria yield control of chemical weapons to the international community in order to avoid U.S. airstrikes. “In fact, though, Russia has been negotiating with the U.S. for over a year to find a solution to the Syrian civil war.”“One thing is for certain: The chance for diplomacy would not have occurred without strong voices against an immediate bombing campaign,” Paul continued. “If we had simply gone to war last week or the week before as many advocated, we wouldn’t be looking at a possible solution today.The voices of those in Congress and the overwhelming number of Americans who stood up and said slow down allowed this possible solution to take shape.”
was there any mention of Putin and Pres. in talks for over a year include a shout out to those voices that decried bombing Syria being the salvation and created this deal to give up chemical weapons? hmmm me either.
While Paul praised Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy doctrine and, more tacitly, George W. Bush’s military action in the aftermath of the September 11th terror attacks, he also sounded several decidedly non-interventionist notes. He expressed skepticism that American airstrikes would solve any problems in the Middle East, and emphasized the constitutional requirement that the executive branch seek congressional approval before taking the country to war.“I will not vote to send my son, your son, or anyone’s daughter to war unless a compelling American interest is present,” Paul said. “I’m not convinced that we have a compelling interest in the Syrian civil war.”Paul’s dovish approach to foreign conflicts has worn well on a war-weary country, as well as a GOP that is eager to distance itself from the mistakes of its last standard-bearer.But it didn’t take long Tuesday night for it to become apparent that the Republican Party has not unified itself behind Paul’s brand of foreign policy. As soon as Fox News finished airing the Kentucky Senator’s speech, anchor Greta Van Susteren turned to Karl Rove, who began running through a list of areas where he differed with Paul.
well looks like he's just a teabag favorite and the recent moderates got him in the cross hairs. i don't think that those people who wear tea bags are as strong as they were, i think a lot saw that they hitched their horse to a cart they didn't recognize as the destroyers of America and the ones who sanction voter fraud via suppression, laugh at those dying because the have no insurance and trying to keep that same insurance out of reach, how are they looking out for anything but confusion by misleading information. think about if what their base cheers for as being a blow to us is equally as damaging to them.