Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Conservatives Force Republicans To Delay ‘Defund Obamacare’ Gambit

Article PhotoRepublicans are losing the battle with ultraconservatives over defunding Obamacare — for now.
House GOP leaders decided Wednesday to postpone consideration of their plan to defund Obamacare, which would have called for a Senate vote on defunding the law but also would have stopped short of threatening a government shutdown over the issue.
GOP leaders’ original strategy was to approve the rule in committee Wednesday for a full House vote on Thursday. But with a mutiny on their right flank and no help from Democrats, they have now concluded that they lack the votes to pass the plan and have put it off. The new strategy, aides say, is to take more time to build support and bring up the measure next week.
“It’s complicated stuff and Members and staff have had very little time to process it,” said a House Republican leadership aide. “Most people who think through all the moves in the legislative chess game realize this plan is likeliest to yield the best result — but it takes a while to think and talk it through.”
well that's might right of them, gee how many millions will that leave in the budget?  notice again they would do nothing for no other reason then they don't have the votes, how much have they denied us because they didn't have enough votes to out right block it?
they do nothing but obstruct and if not enough of them buy in they do even less, you really want 4 more years of high salary, vacation taking denying us of health care and food stamps and the right to vote, if so screw you go to Texas and secede.
Conservative groups were furious Tuesday when the plan was unveiled and immediately organized against it, demanding that Republicans go the distance and threaten a government shutdown if Democrats don’t blink. FreedomWorks, Club For Growth and Heritage Action vowed to punish lawmakers who support the GOP proposal. Republican leaders, on the other hand, recognize they’d probably be blamed for a shutdown and don’t want to risk it.
“Rather than spend time whipping a plan that will only serve to alienate their constituents, they could easily pass a CR that defunds Obamacare,” Dan Holler, a spokesman for Heritage Action, told TPM in response to the GOP’s latest move.
Republican House leaders are in an extraordinarily difficult position. Given sweeping Democratic opposition, they have few votes to spare, and are caught between an all-out assault from conservative groups and their responsibility to keep the government running.
But they remain confident of success.
well we know how much that's worth  McCain/Palin, Romney/Ryan, one term Pres.,/ ObamaCares all that and a ostrich egg will get them yet another beat down.  they never pick the right road always the same one they've walked all the dirt off of.