Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rand Paul: 'Advantage Putin!'

Article PhotoSen. Rand Paul said Wednesday that at this point in the game, Russian President Vladimir Putin is beating President Barack Obama.
“If this were a tennis match, it would be the umpire shouting, ‘Advantage Putin!’ He seems to be running circles around this administration,” Paul said on Glenn Beck’s radio show on TheBlaze.
a gathering of nuts under the tree of disengenuous, this is not a republican pissing match it's not about who won, if this affords us an out of war then it's a win, racist right wingers are war mongerers who have tried to dove their way through this only because the Pres. expressed his willingness to go to war if necessary, now it looks as though it may not be and these and other republican idiots are keeping score.
you want score keepers with no plan of their own or the one who has thought about this and until his talks with Putin came to fruition kept us away from what looked like it might be a necessity, and fickle America what do you do turn on the Pres., and join the republican band wagon of doubt, ask yourself would you feel the same way had republicans not planted the seeds of our confusion that grew in to him being confused.
well the events that unfolded yesterday shows you jumping the gun with the right wing does know good, they leap before the find out if the pool is filled and those who listen to them go splat too
The Kentucky Republican, who gave a Republican response to Obama’s televised address on Syria on Tuesday night, said the White House’s attempts at a “face-saving enterprise” weren’t working.
then to save his face he proceeds to take all responsibility from Pres. and gives it to the Russian, he does not know whose idea it was or whether it was a joint effort but he chooses to deflate any credi for Pres.
“It really seems that they backed into this through some lucky happenstance,” Paul said of a potential diplomatic agreement on Syria’s chemical weapons, which he said would be a good thing for the region.
Paul disagreed with Beck, though, on his assertion that this week has marked the demise of the United States as the world’s superpower and the rise of Russia to that position.
“I would see that Russia is grasping, they’re grasping to try to look like a superpower that they once were, and I don’t think they are,” Paul said, saying the U.S. remains a superpower but doesn’t look like one.
if that's so why do they continue to say the most powerful country in history the most powerful military is he and his group lying about that also?
wonder if he saw this?