Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Privately, UN Talks Begin on Syria Chemical Arms

Article PhotoTense negotiations have begun on a proposed U.N. resolution that would put Syria's chemical weapons under international control and end a diplomatic stalemate over a deadly Aug. 21 poison gas attack, a French official said Wednesday.
The plan for Syria to relinquish its chemical weapons, initiated by Russia, appeared to ease the crisis over looming Western strikes against Bashar Assad's regime in Damascus, only to open up new potential for impasse as Moscow rejected U.S. and French demands for a binding U.N. resolution with "very severe consequences" for non-compliance.
The French official close to the president, who spoke on condition of anonymity because negotiations remained sensitive, said Russia objected not only to making the resolution militarily enforceable, but also to blaming the Aug. 21 attack on the Syrian government and demanding that those responsible be taken before an international criminal court.
Russia obviously has Syria's power of attorney they are striking the best deal that requires the rest of the world to take Assad at his word, but his word is only good if you promise not to drone strike the crap out of him. i understand not wanting to give up the hold card but this is a time to go all in and really let the world know you are serious.
Wary of falling into what the French foreign minister called "a trap," Paris and Washington are pushing for a U.N. Security Council resolution to verify Syria's disarmament. Russia, a close ally of Syrian leader Bashar Assad and the regime's chief patron on the international stage, dismissed France's proposal on Tuesday.
when you have been blatantly deceitful why should you be believed on something that you have deliberately kept from the rest of the world, to demand that there be no ramifications even if you lie again to me indicates insincerity and potentially planning to not honor your word.  with republicans out of office they don't need to fear us going back on our word so why do they need absolution, smells a little tainted doesn't it?