Looseleaf binders, No. 2 pencils, rulers — and bulletproof whiteboards?Armored accessories including backpack inserts and clipboards are showing up on back-to-school shopping lists in the wake of campus shootings, from the Sandy Hook massacre to this week's gunfire in Decatur, Ga.
But some security experts say safety-conscious supplies like whiteboards-turned-shields are impractical at best, and a diversion from real life-saving resources at worst."It may be well-intended but it’s not well thought-out," said Ken Trump, a Cleveland-based school safety consultant and father of young kids."I would ask this question: If you need a bulletproof backpack, wouldn't the child also need a bulletproof front pack and a helmet and a Captain America shield?"He noted that children often don't have their backpacks nearby when they're in school."I have a vision of a classroom of kids running down a gym court playing basketball with their backpacks on," he said. "And the ballistic whiteboard? Is the teacher going to tell 25 kids to line up behind at the right angle?"
this madness is gun advocacies taking cold blooded advantage of the tragedies that have and will befall American families, with NRA pushing cart in these stores parents are over reacting to potential dangers like the article says
"I would ask this question: If you need a bulletproof backpack, wouldn't the child also need a bulletproof front pack and a helmet and a Captain America shield?"
that is ridiculous the WOTD weapons of their destruction are so powerful how could a five year old hold up and block a AR-15 OR A 9MM coming at them faster then they can see and followed by another 20 or 30 rounds with a white board bulletproof or not?
One German engineering firm even offered to make an entire school bullet-resistant — at a cost of more than $3 million.
really they are making fools out of stressed out parents and laughing all they way to the bank.
The problem with these inventions is "they’re not practical from a cost-benefit standpoint," Dorn said."We could cut the death rate in half in our schools with things like good student supervision and better drill processes."Still, with memories of the bloodshed at Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook and other schools still fresh, administrators and parents are shelling out big bucks to give their students any edge on surviving a mass shooting."We've been selling them all over the United States," Steve Jurak of the San Diego firm Mighty Mojo said of the LifePlate, a $149.95 backpack insert that he says can stop a bullet from a .44 Magnum fired at 15 feet."Whenever there is a blip, some random act of violence, we see a surge in sales."
parents would rather create a demand like bread and milk for these things then push for better regulation and enforcement, will those kiddee bulletproof stuff stop armor piercing or cop killer bullets? the crazies are opting for more power and better ammo are they manufacturing the best counters for those guns?
fix the problem not the kids wardrobe.
School districts in Minnesota and North Dakota and individual private and public schools have signed on, he said. Thousands of parents have purchased Hardwire's $99 bag inserts. The company even offers a bulletproof classroom door cover for $1,499.