and the SCOTUS doesn't believe they need to be watched and get approval before they allow their poor to die from indifference. the SCOTUS needs to be replaced with a limit of service.
On Wednesday, residents of Belhaven, North Carolina got a taste of howstubborn GOP opposition to the Affordable Care Act can affect them personally when executives at Vidant Health System unanimously voted to shut down the local Vidant Pungo Hospital within six months.Vidant officials said the move was necessary as a consequence of North Carolina’s refusal to participate in Obamacare’s optional Medicaid expansion.Belhaven is a small town of 1,688 where more than 55 percent of the populationis African-American and approximately 28 percent of residents live in poverty. Vidant Pungo bills itself as “a private, not-for-profit 49-bed acute care hospital on the waterfront in Belhaven” that “provides medical care to patients in eastern Beaufort and Hyde counties, serving approximately 25,000 people with a service area of approximately 1,260 square miles.”In those counties, more than 19 percent and 25 percent of residents respectively live below the poverty level, according to the latest census data.
ahh the right wing war on the poor guess this doesn't exist either. the indifference they have toward life is frightening when you have these people in charge and the SCOTUS handing down help with their discrimination.
what would happen if all Blacks and Hispanics left this state, hey think they would be happy but when reality slaps them in the face and they realize how dependent they are on those who they want to deny any and all state help.
like Georgia when they ran the Hispanic pickers out and their fruit withered on the vine and they lost from the grower to the patron in other states they shipped to.
Since safety-net hospitals that serve regions with high numbers of poor and uninsured people often have patients who can’t afford to pay for their care, they usually have to rely on the government to pick up some of the tab for uncompensated medical treatment to stay financially viable.But Obamacarereduced reimbursements to these so-called “disproportionate share hospitals” (DSHs) — one of which is Vidant Pungo — since the law originally intended all states to expand Medicaid for every American living up to 133 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. If things had unfolded that way, these hospitals wouldn’t need the additional government payments since their patients would finally be able to pay for their own care through Medicaid.But the Supreme Court ruled the expansion to be optional last summer. That’s why hospitals have intensely lobbied state officials to expand Medicaid, since the combination of uninsured patients and reduced federal reimbursements could spell financial doom for them. Unfortunately, at least 21 states with GOP governors or legislatures — including North Carolina — opposed to the health law have refused generous federal funding to expand Medicaid eligibility.
as long as the attitude is as it is toward poor they will continue to be those in the coliseum that
amuse the emperors and their cohorts, except these are people and they treat their farm animals better it will only stop when they are stopped. they want to take their country back they have it already it's the country of southern politics and James Crow.
ObamaCares helps, republican politicians do not.