Singer Stevie Wonder took a moment during a panel discussion hosted by MSNBC’s Al Sharpton on Friday to criticize the Texas Board of Education’s attempt to gloss over the U.S. slave trade.
“We really have to confront the educational system. Every single American must feel and know that they were a part of this United States,” Wonder said. “I think, that [school] books have to be rewritten — the whole notion of changing what happened during slavery time to saying it’s a fantasy — Texas — is unacceptable.”The board approved the redesignation of the slave trade as the “Transatlantic Slave Trade,”after flirting with the name “Atlantic Triangluar Trade” as another possible name for the industry.Though he clarified that he did not want to offend his fans in Texas, Wonder said, “I just feel that we can’t act like something that truly happened didn’t happen. It’s real, confront it. Deal with it and make the difference by changing it.”
Stevie makes the point for decades Texas along with the other southern history re-writers have tried to change what was done and documented mostly by the word of mouth of those who actually were the slaves.
first they effectively wrote us out of their history we were non existent, realizing that wouldn't float we were defined as 3/5 ths of a human being, which IMO was more of a attempt to qualify what they were doing and making it a non crime to engage in the trade and ownership.
they took credit for all the things the slaves and later employee's invented as their own.
they can change the stories, the names the race and the facts but does that erase the truth, no this is the 21st century and the cyber world now makes irresponsible erroneous non history just that non history the truth is a few keystrokes away, to continue promoting the false American history only shows those who do as liars in search of some legitimacy as the builders of this country writing it down does not make you the one.