As the country debates what it should engage in another military conflict, the weekly Republican address Saturday made no mention of Syria.
Instead the address, delivered by Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), was exclusively dedicated to attacking Obamacare ahead of the Oct. 1 initiation of enrollment in the law's health insurance exchanges."The so-called Affordable Care Act is hurting middle class families -- their wages, their jobs, and their health care," Barrasso said. "The health care law has proven to be unpopular, unworkable, and unaffordable."“The American people have a choice," he said. "We can embrace the status quo of Obamacare for four more years. Or we can repeal the law, and quickly move to help people get the care they need, from a doctor they choose, at lower cost. That’s what Republicans are fighting for."
the more they lie to convince you that they are right and any attempt by the Pres. to give you unrestrained health care is an abomination the more brazen they get, even if you don't know what it gives you the fact that it's health care no restrictions lower prices and those that oppose can't get it fast enough while telling you it is not for you it will bankrupt you and take away your Dr. all of which have been rebutted over and over.
yes you do have a choice cling to those you know lie or that which protects you and your family, where do your loyalties lie, and what are they saving you from better health?
The decision to ignore the issue atop Congress' agenda ahead of its return to session next week reflects the deep divisions within both parties as to whether to authorize President Obama's call to punish the Syrian regime for using chemical weapons. House Republican leaders are supporting the mission but Senate Republican leaders are undecided.
when agenda's conflict with what is at hand it becomes which is more important to you, the vote will show us who is where and whether that where is with "we the people"
a party of stupid has voters that are equally challenged in their corner.