Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bachmann: Republicans can beat Hillary Clinton ‘if we cry out to God’


 it seems those who exhibit the least Godly agenda are the ones the call for him the most, is that some kind of conflict of conscious, or a cry for help?  they spew vitriolic rhetoric they know it is wrong but smile as they engage, is that disrespect for God or a denial of that which they cling to being not as powerful as their guns. 
fox_fns_bachmann_gaddafi_111023ei really don't believe they read the Bible i think whoever the Elmer Gantry is in their town tells them what the verses mean as he wants to interpret it, scribes write it and religions rewrite it and ministers usurp it, so when will we actually hear from God, for some when it's too late others it depends on their conviction and belief.
those who irresponsibly try to influence others with what they know is not right they may not know what is but they sure know what they are saying is not.
to Bachmann Bill Cosby once said paraphrased "call Alfred he's not doing anything and stop calling God he's busy", with the rancor and blasphemous things she engages in i would agree with Mr. Cosby after all her husband has been unsuccessful in praying away his own Gay.