Wednesday, September 4, 2013

John McCain Does Not Back Senate's Syria Resolution

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WASHINGTON -- Sen. John McCain says he doesn't support the latest Senate resolution to authorize military force against Syria.
McCain is an outspoken advocate of intervention against Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime and wants more than cruise missile strikes and other limited action.
The Arizona Republican threatened earlier this week to vote against a White House draft resolution unless President Barack Obama promised greater support to Syria's rebels. McCain then expressed support after meeting Obama at the White House.
He now opposes a resolution crafted by Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey and Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee. It puts a 90-day limit on action and says no American troops can be sent into Syria.
what is he really trying to accomplish waiting any days boost the death count it seems with all the rhetoric going around no one has mentioned delaying will escalate the mortality level, 
so has the initial objections actually enhanced the likelihood that more might not make it, and the delay being viewed as inaction on Pres.'s part as oppose to congress forcing him to come to them so they can further delay?
more right wing for it before he was against it, meanwhile the stated reason for intervention the Syrian people continue to die and suffer while feeble minded McCAIN makes up his mind or was his change do to T-Party influence?