Thursday, September 12, 2013

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When delivering a speech on foreign policy to the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation this Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz announced that not only was his first political donation a $10 donation to Jesse Helms, but also that the United States government needed “100 more like Jesse Helms.”
Which is weird because Jesse Helms was kind of a horrifying racist, homophobic, misogynistic bigot. 
We’re talking about a dude who was pro-segregation, anti-busing, who loved the @!$%# out of apartheid-era South Africa, who lost his very mind when Carol Moseley Braun became the first African-American female Ambassador and serenaded her with “Deep in the Heart of Dixie” in an elevator, who filibustered the establishment of Martin Luther King Day, 
who called gay people ”weak, morally sick wretches,” who opposed Clinton’s appointment of Roberta Achtenburg to the Department of Housing and Urban Development “because she’s a damned lesbian,” who opposed AIDS Education, and wrote that ”such utopian slogans as Peace with Honor, Minimum Wage, Racial Equality, Women’s Liberation, National Health Insurance, Civil Liberty” are ploys by which to divide humanity “as sons of God.”
And seriously, so much more. He was basically one of the most reprehensible humans to ever exist.
Cruz has forever killed his republican tag as the Moses of Hispanics setting them free in the promised land, he revealed to them his real demeanor that which never wanted them here in the first place.
the young republicans strive ti emulate Ayn RAND, Jesse Helms, and the T-Party all and anything Nazi, these are the mentoring figures that created the hate mongers and republican leaders who want to lead you.
like his idol he too is becoming one of the most reprehensible persons in that party today.
To boot, Jesse Helms is a guy one would think most Republicans would want to gloss over– especially right now where they’re doing this whole “What? We’ve never been the party of racism!
You libruls are just making things up! Democrats were the ones enforcing Jim Crow laws, so there!” thing. Except that all those Jim Crow-liking Southern Democrats left the party and started voting Republican when the Democrats started not being racist enough for their liking. Like,
Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond were the crazy racist dudes leaving the Democratic party to join the Republican Party in the 60s.
But Cruz wants more of him! Why? Because he was willing to “say crazy things.” And apparently that is a “rare, rare characteristic.”
I would have to disagree that it’s rare. I hear people saying crazy things all the time. I’ve heard Ted Cruz say crazy things, and Michele Bachmann, Steve King, Rick Santorum, etc. etc. etc.
Pretty much all the Republicans.
which makes more sense what this author says or what the republicans believe, and like he says do you want these persons making decisions for your life