This week we learned that George Zimmerman had threatened members of his family with a gun and, sadly, not many people were surprised. Following his not guilty verdict in the Trayvon Martin trial this summer, Zimmerman’s public profile has been bizarre. Just two weeks after the trial Zimmerman was stopped in Texas for speeding, and police found a gun in the car.
In many ways, the disturbing 911 call from his wife is all too predictable. Shellie tells the operator: “I don’t know what he’s capable of. I’m really, really scared.”Zimmerman has a history of deflecting blame. In 2005, his then-fiancĂ© filed a civil motion for a restraining order, citing domestic violence. Zimmerman shot back by accusing her of domestic violence, and counter-filing. Both restraining orders were granted.That same year he faced felony charges for “resisting an officer with violence,” among others, only to have these charges reduced and ultimately waived.Zimmerman’s previous domestic violence charges did not initially receive much attention during his trial. Yet, they should have, as societal attitudes toward domestic violence and race profiling demonstrate a larger culture in which the victims of these acts become responsible for their occurrence.
i think we should ask ourselves to be candid and ask ourselves why was he really acquitted and how much of the law had anything to do with it. what was that jury more ready to believe, and now with these new revelations about the prosecution allegedly tanking the case was there any remnant of justice in that room?
was the blindfold over lady liberty's eyes meant with a double standard after all blind does mean not able to see.
n New York City, stop and frisk practices prove how this prejudice has been integrated into law enforcement. Given that police officers were legally allowed to use racial profiling, it's not surprising that many people believe what Zimmerman did was within legal bounds. The practice may have recently been ruled unconstitutional, but the Sergeant Benevolent Association is filing a notice to appeal this decision.Just as racial profiling assumes the worst of people of color based on nothing more than racism, the onus is usually put on the victims of domestic violence to either leave the abusive partner, or prevent a potential assault. People usually blame the person experiencing the abuse for not leaving, rather than blaming the person actually doing the abusing. This ignores all of the factors that make leaving an abusive relationship difficult.The failure to hold Zimmerman accountable for any of his previous actions could have been what killed Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman had a proven criminal history, access to a gun, and the power of prejudices on his side. And it worked: Zimmerman, who has a history of violence,claimed he shot Martin only after the unarmed teen attacked him first; and he was acquitted.
the conversation between him and dispatcher from word one fully supports what you just read, not the decision that was rendered, were prejudice's and the idea of him patrolling under the guise of protecting them each one specifically in their minds, looking out for them, symbolic of lady liberty's blindfold?
the wife was complicit to his crimes and maybe devised some herself the money, but she only turned on him when he did not seem to reciprocate when it was her turn before the court, which is more like vindictive vengeance then her being a victim.