Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Did George Zimmerman Lie To The Police?

Police officer escorts George Zimmerman
On Monday, George Zimmerman’s wife called 911 to report that he was threatening her and her father with a gun. Shellie Zimmerman told the 911 operator that her husband “continually has his hand on his gun and he keeps saying step closer and he is just threatening all of us.” When the police arrived, she abruptly changed her story and claimed she never saw a gun. Officer Zach Hudson, the Lake Mary Police Department public information officer, told the New York Times that Zimmerman told the police he was not carrying a gun:
“No one ever saw a gun,” said Officer Zach Hudson of the Lake Mary police. “He said he has no gun on him and we haven’t found a gun. I think she assumed that he had one on his person.”
 ABC News also reported, “A Lake Mary police official later said Zimmerman did not have a gun, officers never found a gun and that Zimmerman himself said he never had a gun on him.”
deja vu all over again, if he feared for his life thru retribution then he has a death wish the way he makes his self accessible, guess that was a lie too.
i wonder more if the police are lying to us, not like it hasn't happened before in Fla. with him and gun charges.
so is his wife lying again for him or was she lying about him or is she to afraid to tell the truth?
But George Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in no uncertain terms that Zimmerman was carrying a gun and had it on his person during the confrontation with his wife and father-in-law:
O’MARA: He acted appropriately. He never took the weapon out. The only thing he really did, which is what he told the police, was on the outside of his shirt, he made sure the gun wasn’t moving anywhere and didn’t do anything because [Zimmerman's father-in-law] Mr. Dean was sort of coming at him, that can sort of be seen in the video.
COOPER: So he had the gun actually on his person not like, in the glove box of his car?
O’MARA: That’s correct
so who is the lawyer defending now or did he broker a deal for her to recant?  she does have a thing for money and if that's true where is the money coming from the bilked donations during his trial and if so would that make O'MARA complicit to any perjured statements?