Clinton, speaking at his presidential center in Little Rock, Ark., on Sept. 4, 2013, said the option to stay on a parent’s policy up to age 26 is a key element of Obama’s law, because it helps keep younger Americans covered. Some young people, presuming they won’t ever get sick, might otherwise be tempted to skip purchasing insurance coverage altogether.
Clinton went on to cite data from recent polling by the Commonwealth Fund showing that "large numbers of young people aged 26 and younger have already enrolled in their parents' plans. And interestingly enough -- if I were you guys, I'd promote this, (saying) these Republicans are the personal responsibility party -- there are more young Republicans enrolled in their parents' plans than young Democrats."
and at every turn their is some republican spewing their bald faced lie about your health plan and still after all these years of them beating this dead horse they have yet to even say they have an alternative plan,
could it be because they cannot beat what is in progress now by Progressives, they say they are working when and where they are never in conference long they have taken more time off then on, most have not read this law they call an abomination, so how do they know what it is other then not theirs.
"President Clinton’s statement is accurate," Collins said. "The difference between young adults who identify as Republicans and those who identify as Democrats enrolled on their parents' policies is statistically significant in the survey. A greater share of young adults who identify themselves as Republicans are estimated to have enrolled on their parents' plans than did young adults who identified themselves as Democrats."For what it’s worth, the partisan variation was more pronounced in 2013 than it was in 2011. That year, respondents of all three partisan affiliations had much closer rates of signing up for a parent’s plan -- 50 percent of Democrats, 54 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of Independents.
Our ruling
Clinton said "there are more young Republicans enrolled in their parents' (health insurance) plans than young Democrats." Polling data from the Commonwealth Fund supports the claim. We rate the statement True.
both can't be right and the evidence says it's not progressives that are misinforming you.