Saturday, July 13, 2013

Young Adults Key To White House Obamacare Strategy

Article PhotoWhen the White House thinks about how to measure the success of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, the most important number isn't the 49 million Americans who don't have health insurance. It's the 150 uninsured people in a single neighborhood in Los Angeles or Miami they want to reach.
The 2010 Obamacare law has sweeping aims and is projected to reduce the number of U.S. residents without health insurance by 27 million over the next decade. But with the start of the six-month enrollment period for the law's health insurance exchanges just 81 days away, 
the Obama administration is more narrowly focused on pinpoint targeting of young, healthy people -- mostly men in urban areas and disportionately racial and ethnic minorities, who are more likely to lack coverageand to qualify for financial assistance, senior administration officials told reporters at a briefing Friday.
The White House believes that Obamacare can connect 7 million people to health benefits next year and that 2.7 million of those must be young, healthy adults with low medical costs to offset the expenses of the older and sicker people expected to flock to the health insurance exchanges. 
The battle will be won or lost not in the halls of Congress, on cable news programs or through television advertisements, but block by block in communities where the need is greatest and the prospects for success the highest, the officials said.
the Pres. is mounting his fight against the right wing fight against you and all Americans having affordable health care this is good watch the news the real news over the next months and look out for a counter plan to try and cripple this drive to keep health care alive by the republican deniers.
Amid continued efforts by congressional Republicans to repeal the health care reform law and unyielding opposition from conservative groups like Americans For Prosperity, Obama and his team view now as the time to move past the political debate about whether Obamacare was a good idea and instead emphasize the practical and personal effects the law will have on people starting this fall, an official said.
And the best sources for that message aren't Obama and other politicians, but people at the community level: family, friends, neighbors, clergy, physicians, pharmacists, hospitals, and local government leaders, the official said. The senior administration officials spoke to reporters at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building adjacent to the White House on the condition they not be named nor quoted.
they will try to muddy this effort but i think taking it to the people is the best way to assure the republicans don't misinform and mislead "we the people", btw they still have no plan so they are going to go back to what you had tyranny by the insurance companies.