Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes announced she will challenge Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in 2014, ending months of speculation about whether Democrats could deliver a top recruit for that targeted race.
“I have met with my supporters, we have had a great conversation, and determined and decided that we can next make the best move, the best difference in the commonwealth of Kentucky, by running for the U.S. Senate,” Grimes said at a Monday event in Kentucky.National Democrats had laid all their hopes with Grimes’ bid since March, when actress Ashley Judd announced she wouldn’t run against McConnell. A top fundraiser and brutal campaigner, McConnell is a top target for Democrats this cycle.Just days before her announcement, a Republican super PAC started to air advertisements attacking Grimes. The spots linked Grimes to President Barack Obama, who remains deeply unpopular in the Bluegrass State.
and the games begin, they waste no time in trying to muddy up any opponent that they think has a chance the bigger the chance the dirtier the mud. he has done 28 years of the same thing, i know someone who lives in kentucky they are not rich and find nothing he's done representative of the people, time to punch the clock.
McConnell boasts an impressive war chest, and his campaign reported $8.6 million in the bank earlier this year. That number will likely change in the next two weeks, when the Republicanannounces his fundraising haul for the second quarter of this year.Grimes said she is not worried about coming into the race as an underdog.“I agree with thousands of Kentuckians that Kentucky is tired of 28 years of obstruction; that Kentucky is tired of someone who has voted against raising the minimum wage while all the while quadrupling his own net worth.
with the Kentuckians who are not accepting of right wing values this ought to be a breath of air to come, finally someone that cares about them, those who oppose will also come to understand especially the ones who are not rich that they have done nothing for them i have said in the last 4 1/.2 years but actually what have they done for them in the last 12 1/2 years, Bush was no buddy he was some sat Cheyney's biatch.
while these repubicans were sighning pledges and voting yes on controversial bills that worked only for big business, since Obama things like naming a street or buildig, or making sure in God we trust stays on the money, or my favorite make sure english is the numer one language, you rate those things ans if you finf one that favors your life, you need help.