Former vice presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been a vocal critic of Republicans, Democrats, and President Obama alike on immigration reform, denouncing efforts to create a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented workers — despite her previous support for just such a pathway.
Palin’s switch from supporter of a citizenship pathway for the 11 million undocumented workers to ardent opponent has been on full display in recent days and weeks.“A matter of a lack principle and respect for the rule of law,” Palin said about Republicans supporting immigration reform Saturday on Fox News. “This was an absolute betrayal of working-class Americans who do respect the rule of law and legal immigrants who have come here and stood in line, and paid their dues if you will, and become new Americans.”“It’s an absolute betrayal of the will of the people and the rule of the law,” she added.“You’ve just abandoned the Reagan Democrats with this amnesty bill,” Palin recently wrote on her Facebook page. “You disrespect Hispanics with your assumption that they desire ignoring the rule of law.”“Hope it was worth 30 pieces of silver,” she said of Marco Rubio of getting a call from Obama. (Rubio wasn’t available, so never spoke to Obama.)
Fox knows the rhetoric she speaks is misplaced wrong and self invented, but that fits right in with public opinion of them, which means they don't care if they did they would try hiring people not from a carnival sideshow.
most amazing how did she get that whole rant to fit on her hand?
and they were beating up on Trayvon witness Rachel Jeantel whether they understood her or not it was not because of the moronic things like their moron.
For all of Palin’s recent tough rhetoric on immigration, the former governor of Alaska expressed support for immigration reform during the 2008 presidential campaign according to video and a transcript an October 2008 interview with the Spanish-language channel Univision. The type of immigration reform Palin supported would surely fall under her current definition of “amnesty.”“There is no way that in the U.S. we would round up every illegal immigrant — there are about 12 million of the illegal immigrants — not only economically is that just an impossibility but that’s not a humane way anyway to deal with the issue that we face with illegal immigration,” Palin said.When asked if she supported “a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants,” Palin responded that she did.For all of Palin’s recent tough rhetoric on immigration, the former governor of Alaska expressed support for immigration reform during the 2008 presidential campaign according to video and a transcript an October 2008 interview with the Spanish-language channel Univision. The type of immigration reform Palin supported would surely fall under her current definition of “amnesty.”“There is no way that in the U.S. we would round up every illegal immigrant — there are about 12 million of the illegal immigrants — not only economically is that just an impossibility but that’s not a humane way anyway to deal with the issue that we face with illegal immigration,” Palin said.When asked if she supported “a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants,” Palin responded that she did.
oop's "that's not wat they told me to say this time, if i could only read something i could go rogue".
like the rest they never check their own history and step in the elephant dung they left from the last time, get a pooper scooper maybe you can avoid your own rebuttals.